Where Rauner won Illinois

On Tuesday Illinois voted, and on Wednesday Pat Quinn officially conceded the governor's race to Bruce Rauner.

There were a number of interesting takeaways from the preliminary county by county vote (as of Nov. 5), showing how Quinn wasn't able to harness the support he recieved from his 2010 victory.

Who Voted

This first map is a reminder of just how much Cook County dominates Illinois elections. More than 1,250,000 people cast their ballot in Cook on Tuesday, which is 1 in every 3 voters statewide. It's something to keep in mind for the maps that follow.

Who Didn't Vote

A big change around the country in this election was the low turnout. Overall Illinois saw turnout drop from 43 percent in 2010 to 39 percent this year, the lowest since 1994. That translated to a 7 percent drop in the total number of voters statewide and a 10 percent drop in Cook County.

Here circles show the change in votes from the past gubernatorial election, with orange showing a drop in turnout and green an increase.

What Happened

Here's the difference between Quinn and Rauner by county. Larger blue circles indicate a positive margin for Quinn. Larger red circles indicate a poitive margin for Rauner. Unlike in his 2010 victory, Quinn was unable to pick up any counties outside of Cook.

Where Rauner beat Brady

In 2010 Republican challenger Bill Brady lost to Pat Quinn by less than a percentage point. This shows where Rauner made up the difference from Brady's 2010 showing. The map shows the change in total votes for the Republicans from 2010 to 2014. Red circles show where Republicans gained votes, blue where Quinn did better than 2010.

The biggest gains were all in Cook or the collar counties. While Rauner held firm downstate, he didn't pick up much more support than Brady. Quinn actually closed his margin in central Illinois, but not enough to make up for the losses around Chicago.

Where Quinn beat Quinn

This map shows where Quinn lost support from his last 2010 campaign. The bigger the red circle, the worse he did in that county compared to 2010.

As you can see, Quinn held most of his support from 2010 except for around Cook County. Rauner made some small but significant gains downstate, but the big damage for Quinn came in Cook.

The Net Gains

This map shows how much better Republicans did in 2010 and how much worse Democrats did. The size of the circle represents the net gain or loss, not total votes. For example, in Cook County Rauner was nearly 400,000 votes behind Quinn in 2014, but that was still more than 100,000 better than Brady did four years ago.